Monday, February 1, 2010


Yeah! It is February! Don't you just love it? Haha lol. February is like the best month ever. You have a holiday based on love, a holiday just for a ground hog, which by the way is tomorrow :) And the best part of February is American Heart month. That means jump-roping all month! Lol.

School is amazing :) Mrs. Levy gave me a 100 on my essay on Elizabeth Bennet. I have never seen her give out a 100 before on an essay. I was so excited! And to top it all off, I got strait A's :) I love school so much. Algebra is definitely, by far my favorite class. Who knew numbers could be so much fun? :)

I have started a youth group. It is really fun! There are hundreds of kids my age there. It is just amazing :) I have invited lots of my friends from my school to come to, and so far everyone seems to be enjoying it :)

1 comment:

  1. February is damp, but otherwise it's a good month! The start of spring!!! (...I think.) And Ground Hog Day is in February. It's a holiday that mainly goes unnoticed, but I DO love the movie version of the holiday with Bill Murray.

    You're in a youth group with hundreds of kids in it? Do you like that?

    -Total stranger

    P.S. I hope I helped with your stuck-between-a-rock-and-a-hard-place situation. Good luck with that!
