Hello everybody! May I just start by saying that I absolutely loveeee high school? Who would have thought that? It is even better than I could ever imagine. You know people always think of high school as a mean scary drugged up place. But here, it isn't. They call the student body "The Seneca Family". I could not agree with that any more. I feel like I belong. That is something I have not felt before. No matter how hard I always tried, it never seemed to happen. Seneca gives me the wonder, fantasies and splendor of what high school can be.
I have a best friend here named Rachel. She is absolutely the nicest girl I have ever met. We made fast friends and now are inseparable. We argue all the time, but we have fun arguing if that makes any sense. It isn't really arguing. I'd say more debate.
Ana, Lis, Emily, and Gerhard are also really amazing friends that I have made and I am so glad that I have. There are several more, but I know that the list would go on forever. Isn't that a great thing to say?
Also I HAVE A BOYFRIEND! His name is Matt. He is the sweetest, funniest best friend I have ever met. We text almost 24/7, and my poor mother gets annoyed by it. We have so much to say that we are addicted to our phones. Matt just puts a smile on my face each day and I am so glad that he is here. I tell him everything, like him to me.
My favorite part about high school is that people accept me for me. I don't feel I have to change myself to fit in. I don't care what people think of me. I just feel comfortable. I could walk in with my pajamas on and my friends wouldn't think of me any differently.
Well, I hope everyone else is having a wonderful time and is enjoying the cooler weather.
Tah tah for now!